DIRAK Inc. Sales Order Confirmation FAQs





My Expected Delivery Date is blank. What does that mean?

  • When your expected delivery date is blank that means DIRAK is out of stock of the requested part(s), and we are in the process of confirming the expected delivery date from our manufacturing facility. Your Customer Service Representative can follow up with you and provide a revised order confirmation with all the dates filled in once we receive this information. In the meantime, please refer to the Calculated Delivery Date for our best estimate of when your goods will be delivered.

When can I expect XXX-XXXX.XX-XXXXX?

  • The date under Expected Delivery Date is DIRAK’s most accurate representation of when you should receive your goods. If that is blank, refer to the Calculated Delivery Date.

Why did my parts get here later than the Expected Delivery Date?

  • This date is based off shipping times provided by FedEx/UPS from DIRAK’s warehouse to yours. There was likely a delay outside of DIRAK’s control either with the shipping company, weather, etc.

Why did my parts get here later than the Calculated Delivery Date?

  • This date is based off the lead times provided from our manufacturing facilities coupled with the transit time (typically by sea) from them. If there is a delay in production or transit due to unforeseen circumstances this date might be a little bit off, but DIRAK does everything they can to provide the most accurate representation of when they estimate you should receive your goods.

Why is the Expected Delivery Date or Calculated Delivery Date after my Requested Delivery Date?

  • If either the Expected or Calculated Delivery date is later than your requested delivery date, the product is mostly likely out of stock and/or the requested delivery date was not within manufacturing lead time. Your Customer Service Representative can provide an updated quote with lead time information.

Have a question we didn’t answer?

  • We’re here to help! Please contact your Customer Service Representative with any questions we may have missed.

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